Vagabonding around the World

Maramures arrivo

Dice Wikitravel della regione di Maramures, nel nord della Ronania al confine con l’Ucraina:

Maramures is one the best kept Europe’s secrets, the place where the time hasn’t moved for decades, a place where the traditions, the wooden art and the human kindness are well preserved.

Close to the Ukrainian border, Maramures covers 3381 sq km of valleys, beautiful villages, hills and mountains (up to 2303 m high). On this small surface are preserved over 100 wooden churches (8 of them listed onUNESCO list), a natural reserve also protected by UNESCO, about 60 villages and small towns, the only narrow gauge industrial steam train still in use in Europe, and many other attractions

Date e ore del volo:
2013/02/25 Milano Bergamo (1535) Tirgu Mures (1830)


10 cose da sapere su Istanbul


Costo della vita in Transilvania

  1. Manuel

    Sembra un luogo da mille e mille belle foto


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