Vagabonding around the World

Categoria: Japan Pagina 3 di 7

The cheapest meal in Japan, 安い

This is the cheapest meal you can get buying food at the supermarket in this days in Shimoji, Miyako.

Kurima island, bridge view くりま・じま

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Kurima island is a tiny island attached to Miyako by a beautifully shaped bridge, 1,7km long. This morning I cycled the island and the pictures you can see were taken from the bridge.

Tako Raisu 2, タコライス

Taku Raisu 2, the revenge @ Tokyu Resort bar, 1200yen.
it is 高い or たかい or expensive or caro, as pointed out by my Taiwanese friend, but it I ordered that in a 5 star Hotel.

Tako Raisu, おいしい

Today lunch (a richiesta di Mark79).
398Yen @ Max Value, Hirara.
Buonissimo! おいしい!!

Miyako, Sunayama beach

Oggi ho fatto un bel giretto in bicicletta dalla Guesthouse alla spiaggia di Sunayama, passando per Hirara, il capoluogo dell’isola, dove mi sono fermato a pranzare. Tra andata e ritorno una trentina di km, con pendenze lievi, giusto per stare un po’ allenato.

Miyako bakery

Miyako Awamori

Awamorì is the typical drink from Okinawa. It is made from rice, like Sake, but instead of brewing (fermentare) it, it is distillated. In the picture 3 different kind of Miyako Awamori, included the Milk Awamori, my favourite.

Yabiji, i coralli emersi

Che io sappia c’è un solo posto al mondo dove si possono vedere distese di coralli emersi dall’acqua.

Umibudo Miyako yushi tofu salad, うみぶどう ゆしとうふ


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