Vagabonding around the World

Tag: mind the gap

3 – England holidays

Lovely Bath

Viva, viva, viva l’Inghiltera, pace, donne amore e libertà. (Claudio Baglioni)

On September 1991, few days before beginning my University, I went to London for ten days. I was hosted by Christian, a friend I made the month before while on holiday in Alassio. Christian was born in England by italian mother and english father. That was the first of many trip I did in Albion’s land: during the day I was visiting the classical touristy places, while at night I was staying home, or I was hanging around with Christian, his brother and their friends.

3 – Vacanze inglesi

Lovely Bath

Viva, viva, viva l’Inghiltera, pace, donne amore e libertà. (Claudio Baglioni)

Nel settembre del 1991, poco prima di cominciare l’Università, me ne andai 10 giorni a Londra, ospite di Christian, un amico che avevo conosciuto la stessa estate in campeggio ad Alassio. Christian era nato in Inghilterra da madre italiana e padre inglese. Fu il mio primo di tanti viaggi in terra d’albione: di giorno facevo i classici giri da turista, mentre di solito la sera stavo in casa e le poche volte in cui sono uscito l’ho fatto con Cristian, suo fratello e i loro amici londinesi.

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