Vagabonding around the World

Mese: Marzo 2012 Pagina 3 di 5

Frog eggs


Nikko biscuits


Japanese toilette


Nikko temples & shrines

I honestly find hard enjoy temples and shrines with a multitude of tourist, and today was no exception. Actually it was harder because it was freezing and in my opinion the temples were nothing special. I also didn’t like that you have to pay a lot for everything, there were stall selling in every site, while in many you were forbidden to take pictures.

Shibuya, the most famous zebra crosswalk

If you think of a mass of people crossing the street in all directions, the image in your mind is probably formed when you saw the Shibuya odanhodo, the most famous zebra street crossing in the world.

Starbucks in Shibuya may be the best place in the world for people watching. Coffee sucks and is overpriced though, like unfortunately in most of the many coffee shops in Tokyo.


Tokyo, St Patrick Parade


CAFÈ Milano Shibuya Tokyo


Hachi-ko Shibuya


FANCL Shibuya


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