Vagabonding around the World

Mese: Marzo 2012 Pagina 4 di 5

Gojunoto Senso-ji temple


Asakusa shopping


Ueno Park Sakura


Tokyo’s corner Arakawa


Japanese graveyard


Dicembre challenge – living 1 euro a day

I had a personal challenge from 1 to 24 of December of not spending more than 3.000 Colombian Pesos a day, roughly 1,20€ or 1,5%.

Here’s in details my expenses during the challenge

A vagabond legacy

Life is not a spartan existence, nor is happiness the greatest value we can achieve. Instead, life is a series of purposeful choices that can produce great rewards from great efforts.

Do you really need a camera?

It is dawn and you are in Angkor Wat, watching the sun rising and lightning the temples. You are contemplating the marvels of nature and mankind, while everyone is fighting for the best spot and taking the same picture or video, like they are delivering a scoop for tomorrow newspaper.

Il vero Shangri-là

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