Vagabonding around the World

Tag: Nikko

Kinugawa river, Ryūōkyō canyon

Subito dopo Kinugawa, un centro termale ricco di onsen e albergoni caduti in disgrazia, c’è il piccolo paese di Ryūōkyō, completamente ignorato dalle guide turistiche, ma comunque marcato sul depliant della Tobu line.

Ci ho fatto un giro e mi piaciuto quel che ho visto

Nikko onsen


Nikko biscuits


Nikko temples & shrines

I honestly find hard enjoy temples and shrines with a multitude of tourist, and today was no exception. Actually it was harder because it was freezing and in my opinion the temples were nothing special. I also didn’t like that you have to pay a lot for everything, there were stall selling in every site, while in many you were forbidden to take pictures.

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